Is it rite to call wanita?? heheh... coz only got 2 single girls n another 1 already married. So, d right words to called both of them, wanita la kann... hahaha =P... Here, i Wanna wish d three of you, a wonderful + blessed 24th Birthday =) Semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki oleh-Nya.... ameen =)
**btw, to those yg x tau, both of them r really good-frens of mine... Ryu & isyah, frens since my matrix revolution..hehehe... n Yan r my Geng Kapak =P
CIk Ryu (16 August).....Pn. Isyah (13 August)...sorry x dpt join aritu. masih di umah membe aku lagi time tu...huhu
yan (20 August)
erk..ble je post entry nih..slalu ak update je bc blog ko..hhuu..nway, a vry big thnks malin..sedey sbb ko xpat join..klu ko de mstlg haru biru..may da frenship remainn nvr end..luv u too n luv u guys..
p/s : epi brthday tuk yan juge..
thnx malin...
terima kasih wat surprise arituh..
seb baik gmbr yg ko letak tuh xder gmbr besfrenz clown ko tuh..muahaha...
nota kaki tangan tuk ayu n aishah:
epi besday..may god bless u..
hehhe..aku schedule kan post ni... tu yg tibe2 je kuar ikut timing die =P
frenship 4ever!!... smpi ke cucu-cicit...!! hehehe ;)
malin x ajka:(
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