Wednesday, October 15, 2008


its already 6.17 pm and im still in the office?! Makk.. nak balik =( Its raining SO heavily outside, and of coz la saya memang x berani drive ujan lebat macam ni. not feelin so well hari ni. So better ikut kata pepatah "biar lambat asalkan selamat"

if only there's someone can fetch me here... huhu...

1 comment:

Lily Satrina ® said...

✦ kesian nya awak sayang..tak apa..jgn pandu kalau tak confident..musim hujan ke kat sana sekarang? musim tengkujuh ya?

✦ ekonomi pun bermusim dah sekarang ni

✦ love is sent to aunty malin from labu-labi and mommy