Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Will be off till next year...

Setiap manusia yang Allah cipta sentiasa akan diberi musibah,ujian atau masalah hidup didunia yang sementara ini.Tipu jika seseorang itu berkata yang dia tidak pernah ditimpa musibah. Setiap orang ada masalahnya tersendiri,Allah uji dengan berbagai-bagai ujian tetapi sebabnya adalah sama. Allah menguji seseorang itu kerana Allah swt mempunyai rahsianya tersendiri,sama ada Allah hendak tambah iman kita atau hendak uji sejauh mana keimanan kita. Dan kerana sesuatu ujian itulah yang membuka mata hati kita,yang mendidik kita supaya jangan mudah putus asa dalam kehidupan yang bagaikan bahtera dilautan yang penuh dengan onak duri,ujian juga dapat mematangkan kita.

Kadang-kadang kita tertanya-tanya, mempersoalkan kepada Allah swt kenapa kita diberi ujian yang berat sebegitu sekali sehingga kita terlupa pada siapa yang perlu kita mengadu segala masalah kita, pada siapa kita harus minta kembali kekuatan kita. Astagfirullah, lemahnya dan rendahnya iman kita. Tidak redha dalam menghadapi ujian yang Allah beri terhadap kita. Jika kita anggap diri kita ditimpa musibah yang besar kita hendaklah ingat bukan kita sahaja yang mengalaminya,mungkin ada sahabat-sahabat kita @ saudara seakidah kita yang lain menghadapi musibah yang sama bahkan lebih teruk atau lebih besar dari kita.

Bukankah,Allah telah berkata dengan jelas di dalam Al-Quran yang Allah tidak akan sekali-kali menguji hambaNya diluar kemampuan hambaNya. Allah tahu kita kuat dalam menghadapi ujianNya jadi Allah berikan ujian itu ke atas diri kita. Di sini kita dapat lihat betapa sayang dan kasihnya Allah kepada kita sebagai hambaNya.
Allah menguji seseorang bukan kerana Allah benci kepada kita tetapi percayalah yang Allah sangat kasih kepada kita. Cuma kita sebagai hambaNya tidak pernah hendak bersabar dalam menghadapi ujianNya. Pasti Allah telah aturkan yang terbaik buat kita kerana setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya.

Alihkan pandangan matamu ke arah LAUT, airnya cantik membiru dan penuh dengan ketenangan. Tetapi hanya Allah sahaja yang mengetahui rahsia di dalamnya. Begitu juga dengan kehidupan manusia, riang dan ketawa tetapi hanya Allah yang mengetahui rahsia kehidupannya. Jika rasa kecewa, alihkan pandanganmu ke arah SUNGAI, airnya tetap mengalir biarpun berjuta batu yang menghalangnya. Dan jika rasa sedih,alihkan pandanganmu ke arah LANGIT, sedarlah dan sentiasa ingatlah bahawa Allah sentiasa bersamamu.

Jadi seharusnya apa yang perlu kita lakukan? berdoalah kepada Allah, Allah lah tempat kembali segala masalah yang sering membelenggu diri kita. Jangan malu untuk merayu-rayu, meminta-minta, memohon-mohon kepada Allah swt.Selalu diingatkan yang Allah tidak pernah jemu mendengar rintihan hambaNya, Allah itu Maha Mendengar.

Dekatkanlah diri kita dengan pencipta kita yang menguasai seluruh alam, yang memegang hati-hati kita. Disamping berdoa perlulah kita berusaha menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi. Mungkin ada yang rasa diri mereka tidak kuat hendak hadapinya tetapi cubalah bangun! Usah tewas dengan hasutan syaitan, cari kembali kekuatan kita kerana kekuatan itu ada dalam diri kita masing-masing. Yakin dengan diri, kuatkan azam dan cita-cita. Usah tonjolkan kelemahan kita pada syaitan kerana syaitan tidak pernah berhenti menghasut agar kita lemah-selemahnya.

Jika rasa tidak kuat, carilah sahabat-sahabat yang sentiasa memberi kata-kata semangat kepada kita dan bukan sahabat yang menjatuhkan kita. Itulah pentingnya sahabat kerana kita tidak mungkin bisa hidup berseorangan.

Kita perlu tahu selepas ujian itu selesai, satu lagi ujian akan datang, maka bersedialah dalam menghadapi ujian yang seterusnya. Untung bagi mereka yang selalu diberi ujian tanda Allah swt sayang padanya. Semoga kita sentiasa menjadi hambaNya yang sentiasa redha atas ujian dan ketentuan Allah swt. Apa yang ditetapkan untuk kita itulah yang terbaik!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I remember what you wore on the first day

Arini smpi umah quite awal (act,x la awal pon, around 5.40 pm) n arini x masuk ofis langsung... Pagi, straight went to site meeting @ Jelebu, n petang pulak Meeting V.O @ Nilai abes around 5.00pm.. lunch pon sorang2 kat R&R Sban.. Starting to love being alone... i guess =) haha.. occay. enough merepek bukan2 nnt =P

So, smpi umah, memang agak tired (till now pon ..huhu)... but when looking at my Baby Orange, dah ade debu-debu cinta kat his body *sigh*, so nak x nak have to wash it jgk. Gi jelebu, along d way jalan pnuh dgn construction... huhu..dah la batu2 kecik kena my Baby Orange.. ciann die.. terluka cket2 hati die.. huhu. I hope he'll be happy when i bath him ptg tadi...hikhik =)

N yupp, i guess, basuh kete sendiri lagi puas ati then antar kedai... sbb sabtu aritu antar kat Giant Senawang. dahla charge smpi RM12 (basuh luar & dalam), tp x la bersih mane pon.. So HAMPEHS!!... huhu.. but d only prob i have is, TIME... yupp.. sungguh xde masa nak basuh kete sendiri yerr.. even weekend pon (alasan...hehe). weekend is time for malas-malasan since weekdays dah pnat membanting tulang... isnt it?? hehehe

happy bathing sweety~~~ =P

whose car is it??? hehehhe

Monday, December 7, 2009

Two Is Better Than One

Mari layan tag sebentar yer kawan2... (courtesy of my sis, Nani)

1. Apakah benda yang paling penting dalam hidup kamu?
- family...of coz... n my belongings (my car,purse,henset etc..)

2. Apakah benda akhir yang kamu beli dengan duit sendiri?
- my PINK olympus fe 4000.... worth o.62k.. =)

3. Di manakah tempat impian perkahwinan kamu?
- hmm..never think of it act, as long as all my loves one (family n relatives,friends) was there =)

4. Berapa lama hubungan kamu berkekalan?
- this quest relate with who act?? lol

5. Adakah anda sedang di lamun cinta?
- erkmss...duhh..

6. Di mana restoran akhir kamu makan malam?
- makan mlm? sabtu lepas... Satay R n K @ senawang

7. Namakan buku terakhir yang kamu beli?
- buku?? cant remember but last mag i bought was Motor Trader.. hehe

8. Nama penuh anda?
- Nur Amalina Mohd Idros

9. Kamu lebih senang dengan ayah atau emak?
- both

10. Namakan seorang yang kamu ingin jumpa dalam hidup kamu?
- my other-half... who la... hmmm...

11. Sebutkan nama 8 sahabat yang rapat dengan kamu?
- ramai... x muat nak list laa.. =P

12. Adakah kamu mencuci pakaian sendiri?
- for certain parts...hehe.. n d rest of it, let d washing-machine do its job..hehe

13. Tempat yang paling seronok yang kamu ingin pergi?
- semestinye tempat yg menenangkan fikiran

14. Butirkan 5 perkara tentang orang yang tag kamu.
- tua saya 2 thn
- ade kete kaler biru
- keje kt TM
- dia suka melukis
- dia suka JJ sambil CM

15. 8 perkara yang saya gilai?
- Mr.Edward Cullen of coz
- Kucings.. =)
- Babies
- Baca blog yg ade dlm list saye n list kawan2 saye
- face-booking
- tgk blog baju2, shawl n etc
- pinky.. hehe
- owh.. luper.. my Ronaldo, n FT

16. Pelukan atau ciuman?
both is best

17. 8 buah buku yang paling baru dibaca?
- x baca buku la lately... but plg baru td... muka-buku.... huehue

18. 8 lagu yang kamu boleh dengar berulang kali?
- Semestinye Two is better than one (Boys Like Girls feat Taylor Swift) =)
- The Reason (Hoobastank)
- Kenangan Terindah (Samsons)
- Teruskanlah (Agnes Monica)
- Situasi (Bunkface)
- Nur Kasih (Yassin)
- Cinta Terakhir ( Aiman)
- It Ends Tonight (All American Rejects)
***Banyak lagi sbnr nye...sigh~

19. mari main TAG orang lain.
- yan
- dil
- kak nim
- ninie
- puteri
- yana
- liyana is
- lyana AR
- shidanne
- efy
- afham
- sape2 yg nak buat..dipersilakan..hehe

Friday, December 4, 2009

Esok saya ade kursus Green Card for 1 whole day!!

'Cause maybe it's true, that I can't live without you
Well maybe two is better than one

There's so much time, to figure out the best of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two, is better than one

**from 2 is better than 1 (Boys like Girls feat. Taylor Swift)

and yessz...i HEART diz song at d moment =)

but pls, dont jump up to conclusions, it doesnt meant dat my Heart tgh bunga2 skrg... occay

i wish... i could... hmm...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"But it's him, It's always been him"

im TOTALLLLLLLLLY no mood for work today

pleasee..pleasee... i NEED consultation!!!!

what's d BEST for me???

its not LOVE thingy (err..act...30% still its contribute to my mood now...*sigh*)

BUT...its about my work.... yupp... WORKS!!!

im tired of this "WORLD" (refer to my work now)

time for CHANGING

uhuh...but, does it d best solution???


**owhh...d above TAGline was from New Moon...hihi**

OK. change topic 4 a while. to those MEN out there... who wanna know me WELL.. here's the HINT... (hahaha..giler promote diri sendiri..lol..WHO CARES~~)

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

Who is your true self:

You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Here is the analysis:

1. You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.

2. You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.

3. You strictly follow rules, and you expect other people to be the same as well. People can get tired of you easily, as you can make them feel a little guilty about themselves. You always make decisions on your own, and can be dismissive of other people's advice. You like to be the leader in groups, but can forget to be concerned about the people you are with.

4. Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?

5. Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.

YUPP...its 90% tepat about me.. heheh
wanna try it?? go HERE

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha

Hidup penuh pengorbanan
Pengorbanan perlukan perjuangan
Perjuangan perlukan ketabahan
Ketabahan perlukan keyakinan
Keyakinan menentukan kejayaan
Kejayaan pula menentukan kebahagiaan...

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


nuttin' to story today...

juz nak bgtau korang, today, finally... i got a chance to ride in BMW X5... my DREAM car... (dulu la.... hehehe~~)

After almost 2 month my bos pakai dat thing (before this bos pkai BMW 5 series... slalu jugak naik =P), pagi tadi i went to meeting @ Melaka with him, barulaa dapat merasa

Well... senawang-alor gajah... yang biase saya drive hampir 1 hour, naik X5 juz about 20-25 min...


Next target... X6!!! =)

(nak merasa naik je la... to buy it myself, still x mampu lg....hehehe)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gravity Graviti

“Gravity” (Sara Bareilles)

Something always brings me back to you.
It never takes too long.
No matter what I say or do I’ll still feel you here ’til the moment I’m gone.

You hold me without touch.
You keep me without chains.
I never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love and not feel your rain.

Set me free, leave me be. I don’t want to fall another moment into your gravity.
Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I’m supposed to be.
But you’re on to me and all over me.

You loved me ’cause I’m fragile.
When I thought that I was strong.
But you touch me for a little while and all my fragile strength is gone.


I live here on my knees as I try to make you see that you’re everything I think I need here on
The ground.
But you’re neither friend nor foe though I can’t seem to let you go.
The one thing that I still know is that you’re keeping me down

“Graviti” (Wani Ardy)
(Translated from Sara Bareilles’s Gravity)

Mudahnya sesuatu mengheret ku padamu

Pelbagai ku tutur, atur
Tetap ku rasa kamu hingga ku terhapus

Ku digenggam tanpa pegang, ku diikat tanpa simpul
Tiada ku mahu selain hanyut dalam bah kasihmu
Tanpa hujanmu

Bebaskan aku, biarkan aku
Enggan jatuh sesaat lagi dalam gravitimu
Di sini berdiri teguh, seperti harus ku teguh
Selubung ku, lemahi ku

Yang kamu kasih, rapuhku
Sedang ku yakin gagah
Cukup sesentuh darimu dan segala tiang kekuatanku luluh

Bebaskan aku, biarkan aku
Enggan jatuh sesaat lagi dalam gravitimu
Di sini berdiri teguh, seperti harus ku teguh
Selubung ku, lemahi ku

Hidup ku untuk cuba memperlihatkanmu bahawa
Kamu segala ku perlu untuk terus

Bukan teman atau musuh, namun tiada terjauh
Sesungguhnya kamu telah menundukkan ku

Selubung ku, lemahi ku

Mudahnya sesuatu mengheret ku padamu

**mode harini : laid-back @ office tercinta... doing some major office chores... enough for out-of-office-a.k.a site visit... #/

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

SPM datang lagi...

To my cuzzie, aisyah n dada (both study in SIGS, jb)... kak malina wanna wish d two of u... GOOD LUCK!!! 1st paper dah start today rite?? so for next paper (which is tomorrow...), jawab elok2 keyh. Kak Malina doakan both of u berjaya m'harungi exam SPM this year dengan tenang & boleh jawab dengan jayanya... ameen =)

Monday, November 16, 2009


(phone-call conversation)


me : Salam.. boleh sy bercakap dgn Encik XXX

him : Salam. yer..bercakap...

me : maaf if m'ganggu. Encik bz ker skrg? boleh sy bercakap sebentar

him: its ok... go on..

me : Saya Amalina from 2h consult seremban. Saya baru dpt fax from TNB Bangi regarding on site visit for project in Sg.Ramal, Kajang. Saya nak confirmkan tarikh dia, isnin depan pukul 11 pagi.. rite

him : yes..correct. i'll see u on monday

me : ok. if got any changes, i'll let u noe. thanks

him : ok


-otw to Sg.Ramal, i asked puteri to call Him, to remind about d site visit today. juz incase if he forgotten. im not sure what he told to puteri, but his words kinda rude(from what Puteri's mengadu to me la..) pity to Puteri. Anyhow, i assumed that he remember about d site visit thru d phone-call. But still, i texted him after that, juz for ANOTHER reminder for him.i did told him where to meet so we both can go together, if he dunno d direction to d site, BUT he dont even replied. ok, fine... Another assumption, MAYBE he knew or he MASTER already this Sg.Ramal area... so i juz wait there... about 1 hour!! well... it can be dimaafkan jugakla since i also wait for En.Y**** (developer) who already called me that he's gonna be late as he had to attend another meeting.. When d time already reach 12 noon, i made another phone call to Him

me : Salam Encik. XXX ni Amalina, from 2h consult. Pasal site visit di Sg.Ramal. Encik jadi datang x?

Him : Kejap, ni site dia yg kat mana? Saya x tahu nak pegi sana. If dari Bangi mcm mana...blablablabla

me : *dlm hati... bukan aku dah msg die lama td.if x clear jgk,apsal x tny awal2!!* Ok. mcm ni.. saya tggu Encik kat Shell Sg.Ramal. Dalam. Encik tahu kan??

Him : Shell yg mane 1??

me : *dlm hati lg... ade 1 je kot Shell kt Sg.Ramal ni...* Ermm... yg tepi main-road... belah kiri, if dari town Kajang, nak masuk highway KL-Seremban, die belah kiri.

Him : owhh...ok. Jap lg sy smpai.

me : ok

(end conversation)

20 minutes later...

Him : saya dah kat Shell ni. Awak kt mane? pkai kete ape

me : Boleh tggu kejap x Encik. Org developer tgh otw. Sy pkai Sentra Hitam NB* ****

Him : Saya yg perdana putih tu. Awak tahukan site. terus pergi site la. Tggu diorg kat sane

me : Errmm... ok.. *heklehh...aku tggu berjam-jam ni x kesah pon. ni dia nak tggu kejap je x boleh...*

(right after that phone-call... developer sampai... THANX god)

developer : Salam. maafla saya lambat. lagi pun hujan lebat td. mane org TNB tu?

me : Eh..xpe *smbil cuba try senyum cket...* org TNB yg park depan Encik tu, kete Perdana putih tu *smbil menunjuk tgn ke arah kereta*

developer : owhh...ok. Kalau mcm tu, kamu semua follow saya dr belakang ok.

me : Ok

(5 minutes later, arrive @ site.... raining heavily outside)

- since the site still no development, penuh with belukar... so we park near d workshop which is.. juz opposite d site, and also berteduh bawah it. Later.. we had a chit-chat about d project... ambil-gmbr-scene and etc... well, one thing i noticed... Him... yuppp d TNB guy... he's not that very friendly... kinda menyampahkan... *not sure either he juz a technician or engineer in TNB* adelaa some moment when he talked which for me, sungguh-berlagak-mamat-ini punye style.... whatever...

Him : ade form yg consultant kena sign. nanti ikut sy gi office

me : x bawak skali ke??

Him : sy tertinggal. nak cepat td

me : ok

Him : tau kan nak gi TNB bangi?

me : bolehla.. ingat2 lupa jugak sebab pernah smpai sekali dulu

Him : ok... saya minta diri dulu *smbil bersalaman dgn developer*

developer : ok2. if want anything, contact sy or Cik Amalina. Thanx for datang

Him : ok. tula.. saya ingat tadi site visit ni x jadi.. Saya tertggu2 jugak org cal saya ke ape... nasib baik jadi

me : *dalam hati... WHAT THE %*#$%&!!#$!* smbil buat2 senyum... kalau ade minyak tanah kat situ, nak je bakar perdana die yg dah di "air-brush" ntah ape2 tu.. mcm la cantik sgt..

me : ok Encik. Y****... nnt ape2 info, sy roger encik.

developer : ok. jumpe lg

(that time almost 1 pm...cheistt... i thought any one of them wanna blanje me lunch or what, dahla penat tggu lama... another WHAT THE &?@$%&*{!!.... sbb selalu site visit,or meeting site or ape,ade org blanje...)

then me follow Him to TNB Bangi. At one simpang, the traffic light dah merah. u guys noe what he did???!! he juz drove off!!!bukan nye nak berhenti. i noe la that was his "kawasan"..but still, u cant simply langgar d rules rite. nasib baik kete from d other side x laju.. and as for me, terpaksa la tercari2 kejap TNB tu.... huh... nasib ade signboard die... if x, i might be lost i guess...

later, after i park d car, i search la for Him at d entrance, if he wait for me ke ape...yela. I dont even noe where his office. Level 4 ke, 3 ke.. at least, wait la kan. Very not the Gentleman... then i call him to ask what level was his office. Dah smpai office

me : Assalammualaikum (bagi salam full tu..)

(dlm tu adela 2-3 org... dengar Him jawab salam. Huh... nasib baik jawab...)

Him : *smbil bagi form* ok.. sign kat sini

me : *smbil tercari2 pen dalam beg.... bongekss...xde plak pen hitam..ade pen merah plak* Ermm..ade pen hitam x??

Him : *bangun smbil ambil pen kat dalam bilik yg lain* Bawak cop x?

me : cop??? x bawak pon. x pesan suruh bwk pon..

Him : ok. xpela. sign je la.

me : ok... dah. Keyh, nanti if ade ape2 u wanna from me, juz contact me. ok

Him : ok. thanx

me : thanx. Salam

(berlalu dengan perasaan still menyampah dlm hati...)

otw to d carpark, ntah mcm mane tibe2 terfikir... His phone caller ringtone mcm lagu org Kelantan. (i ask my fren, n she said d song called Anak Tupai... im not surela..sbb x pnah tahu pun) N bcoz of that, i pretty sure, that he was Kelantanese.... thus, it reminds me back about d Bola Piala Malaysia hari tu... where Kelantan lost to NS... n i guess, this guy must be still marah to orang NS... that's y he kinda annoyed with me.... hahahaha...well, it juz my ASSUMPTION... lol~~

Monday, November 9, 2009


Hihi....its nuttin relate with Celcom as for d above tagline yer kawan2... Even i do loikee their iklan *ala...yg ade fahrin & scha berlakon tu... schweet kan.. ;P* All of u already know la what happened last Saturday aite... *sape yg x tau tu... sangat2 la x update isu semasa...lol* And as for me, being one of thousands people yang datang dengan penuh semangat, to give 100% supports *hehehhe* kepada team masing2, well... what can i said.... SUNGGUH BERBALOI-BALOI!!! hehehe dengan banyak dugaan melanda before nak sampai ke stadium tu... dengan demam2 nye lagi *huhu*... tapi, in the end.... what we get? 3-1 beb!!! hehe... sungguh x disangka-sangka. If tengok stadium yang penuh *3/4* dengan Red Warriors... memang tenggelam penyokong NS... huhu.. But, heyy... dun judge a book by its cover.... haha..masuk x peribahasa ni?? *lol* Really salute to NS team...mental kena tggi beb lagi2 berdepan dgn majoriti penyokong Red Warriors and they have proven it! So kesian to my Zaquan *oooppss...dah jadi laki org da kot...huehue*, byk kali kena attack... pity for him =( ...Anyhow, Special kudos to Wan Jamak Wan Hassan selaku jurulatih and also to all the players =) keep up d good work till next season okies!! To team Kelantan, jangan sedey2. Season depan bley try lagi =) Hobin Jang Hobin!!!!

Final Result Piala Malaysia 2009Justify Full

N.Sembilan (3) vs Kelantan (1)

Kepada supporters NS, kindly join this portal =) n9futbol.com

Seperti biase, gambar-gambi sekitar hari Sabtu aritu... enjoy... hehe

melangkah dgn pnuh yakin *hikhik...mcm la ktorang yg main kan ;P*

sesi pembahagian tiket ;P

peace ya~!!

aiyorhh... nape byk sgt kaler merah ni..

penyokong kuning yg setia... hehe

muka2 happy bila NS menang =)

**teringat game MU kat Bukit Jalil aritu....sangat2 Happening mcm sabtu haritu... tapi dat time xde la bunyi gendang sumer bagai laa kan... terkejut omputeh tu... hehehhe...

Friday, November 6, 2009


my currently mode..... yuppp.... my nose is "bleeding"!!!! huhuhu.... its really uncomfortable 4 me occay since its kinda distract me of doing d office "chores" =P thus... saya sangat2 mahukan vicks sekarang!! huhu =(

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My Budak Debot....

hehehhe...curik dari facebook kakak.... budak debot dah membesar dgn sehat skrg =P semlm kakak cal umah ckp dgn mak, time tu kat klinik.. mira saket cket...huhuhu...cepat2 sembuh yer mira....nnt balik sban, aunty Malina *haha....xnak pggil maksu, x glemer =P* nak cubit2 debot dier tu.... lol =P

oklaa.. times up.. pulang ke rumah =) jum kawan2...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

It Ends Tonight

Wooot....wooott.. crazee little things happened last Saturday... hehehe... maaf kawan2 ku if saya x sempat meng-invite korang join same. Well... act, it was very2 last minute plan... How it happened act?? huhu... ntahlaa... i do noe that diz weekend there's gonna be a concert of AAR kat Bukit Jalil. Me at first bo-layan, sbb x ter-plan pon nak gi mane2 weekend ni. Dengan kaki pon tengah nak baik, so juz wanna have a really peaceful rest at home. But then, tibe2 hati ni rase nak gi jugak... mayb sbb i've been in a quite "hectic" life for d past few weeks ni kot... lol... *yerlahh sangatt* so i guess nak meng-happykan diri ni yg agak "gloomy"... *sighh* So that evening, try search if d ticket still available (mcm biase search kat Mudah.com ;P) since d concert start around 6pm, x la berharap sangat still available lg. Huhuhu... nasib baik ade yg jual lagi.... Tiket da jumpe, then nak ajak sape plak gi kann??? ajak budak2 ofis, sumer x dpt... except Fiza...heheh Thanx ek Fiza for accompany me!!! =) So... there it goes, where d story begin.... ecehhh.... hehehe...

it was a Blast!

name die Fiza.. ;P

sy pn nak interframe ;P

The walls start breathing
My mind's unweaving
Maybe it's best you leave me alone.
A weight is lifted
On this evening
I give the final blow.

from It Ends Tonight - All American Rejects

Friday, October 30, 2009

What a touching nite....

Hehehe...well... actually, im juz watching d weekly Nur Kasih drama kat TV3. As for tonite epsiode, its kinda mellow-dramatic-touching scene die... huhuhu... did i cried??? *let it be secret...lol* Overall, i juz wanna comment... Men (referred to Adam), their heart can simply changed from 1 girl to others... hehe.. maaf klu ade sape2 x bersetuju. it juz my random view eh... hehe... *peace*

Feels like wanna change d bground@layout of this blog la... nmpak mcm bosan je.. rite?? hmm... but... if i changed it, nnt kena copy balik coding2 Gadget tepi semua tu... haishh... banyak keje pulakk... So last2, x tukar2 la smpai sekarang.. Or anyone willing to do it for me dengan ikhlas hati *hehe..mcm ler ade kann ;P*

Oklaa.. dunno what else to merepek tonite... anyhow, enjoy 4 pics ni taken time hiking Gunung Angsi last week... hehehee... yuppp... its Sooo "Unforgettable" experience ;P

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


currently likeyy diz song...

So baby don’t worry, you are my only,
You won’t be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,
You’ll be my only, no need to worry,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Dowwwnnnnn, Dowwnnnnn,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Downnnnn, Downnnnnn,
Even if the sky is falling down

can guess what song is it??? hehe... its tune kinda cathcy. dats y i lurve ;)

btw, enough of being ALONE or what-so-ever... heyyy.... No Men No Cries rite girlss??? =)

juz live happily with people around u, esp. ur family

ok... LIGHTS OFF... hehe... nite2 everyone

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kuatkan Hatimu

Home sweet home... yuppp...sy mc today. kesihatan x mengizinkan =( mudah-mudahan kaki ni cepat recover =(... huhu. Tadi online facebook. and suddenly see Him online. straightly i click d"Go Offline" button in d facebook... n x lama after dat receive msg in my inbox,

"wahh... offline bley comment kt photo.. pelik.. biasa ym jer bley offline..=p"

i didnt reply back... i already made d decision... n i really hope diz decision will last diz time… insyaAllah…

Bila kau memandang segalanya dari Tuhanmu

Yang menciptakan segalanya

Yang menimpakan ujian

Yang menjadikan sakit hatimu

Yang membuatkan keinginanmu terhalang

Serta menyusahkan hidupmu

Pasti akan damai hatimu kerana

Masakan ALLAH sengaja mentakdirkan segalanya untuk sesuatu yang sia-sia

Bukan ALLAH tidak tahu derita hidupmu

Retaknya hatimu tapi mungkin itulah

Yang Dia mahukan kerana Dia tahu

Hati yang sebeginilan selalunya

Lebih lunak dan

Mudah untuk akrab dan dekat dengan-Nya….

Kudoakan agar ALLAH memberiku kekuatan yang cukup untuk menempuh liku-liku kehidupan ini. Moga kasih dan rahmat ALLAH sentiasa menemaniku, juga menemani insan-insan yang kusayangi selamanya.Ameen...

Monday, October 19, 2009

I Love Him More Than Anything...

Selamat Hari Jadi... Abah...

Mhd Idros Bin Md Samin
(19 October 1951)

Macam baru semalam jek post bday abah *read Here* skarang dah 2009,
time flies by so fast..

Adik sentiasa doakan abah lekas sembuh dan sentiasa di bawah rahmat-Nya selalu... =)

U're d best father that i ever had....

juz a simple thought for my Abah... hope he likes it =)

hmm kawan2, kalau berkelapangan, hantarla wish birthday kat Abah saya... 019-3559538

mesti die lagi suke.... =) juz inform u're malin@adik@malina fren's


terima kasih =)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Segalanya ketentuan Tuhan...

Mungkin kan terputus di tengah jalan
Mungkin kan terlerai tanpa ikatan
Usah ragu dengan takdir...

Mungkin kitakan berbeza haluan
Berakhirnya cerita percintaan
Segalanya ketentuan Tuhan...

Aiman - Cinta Terakhir

Thursday, October 15, 2009

untold feeling

bila yang tertulis untukku
adalah yang terbaik untukmu
kan ku jadikan kau kenangan
yang terindah dalam hidupku
namun takkan mudah bagiku
meninggalkan jejak hidupku
yang telah tertulis abadi
sebagai kenangan yang terindah

**currently updating from my hotelroom via mobile.not feelin in a mood rite now..dunno y..wish this feelin wont last..gudnite everyone

Wednesday, October 14, 2009



=) =) =) =) =)

so...maybe some of u guys asking why 121?? well... read d rest below... hehe

1 = my 1st car ( next mayb i'll put 2 for d 2nd car...nguehuehuehue...tggi angan2.. ni pon da nak start pose after diz...huehue)

21 = my bday!!! 2 january...heheheh *nak bli plate 21 sungguh mahal yer kawan2*

u guys sure da bley agak what car it is aite??? so, no need to disclose here... haha~~

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Aktiviti Hari Sabtu di Jelebu

Sabtu lepas, dapat "kelepasan" awal dari bos ( kul 11 dah bley balik..hehe). Tu pon nasib baik si Puteri dapat "pujuk" bos dengan ayat2 power die *huehuehue ;P* Bos bagi coz reason nye, nak memeriahkan majlis Kenduri Akikah anak buah die kat kampung (Baby Amani anak Kak Dija - my ofismate merangkap adik bos jugak) If gerak after abes office hour (1 pm) alamatnya, memang lambat laa sampai. Nak ke Jelebu tu bukannye skejap ek kengkawan... Dengan jalan die yg mcm kat Bukit Putus, Kuala Pilah tu. Nak muntah den.. ;P Sebaik ayah Puteri yg drive *mekaseh Pakcik...hehehw...mestila bodek cket*, klu la gi sendiri, surrender awal2 beb =P Tu pon sampai, timing mmg "cantekk" punye, diorang tengah hidang makanan, ape lagi... mmg cuci kaki la ktorang...hehehe tapi ape2, smpai tu, 1st mestila tgk si Baby kann... heee... da ber++++ shomell baby Amani ni *mcm tuan blog yg tgh type ni....hehehehe ;P* sempat snap 2-3 gambar before ktorang start melantak... lapar gilerr... Almaklumla dah tgh hari kan, perut mmg dah berdondang-sayang dah... huehue Makanan orang Jelebu pon sedap2 jek. Missed plak amek gambar hidangan die. Faham2 je la da lapar sangatt ;P

Then after kenduri, gi plak umah Jun(my ofismate juga anak sdare bos jgk), umah die area2 situ jgk lebey kurang 10 min la bawak kete. Sebab masa kenduri x sempat jumper Jun, dia dah blk awal, coz her mum x sehat sgt. Kire nak g melawat jugak laa... hehe ;) Tapi Alhamdulillah, mak Jun da ok cket.. katenye.. SMoge cepat sembuh ekk makcik ;) One thing yg best kat umah June, ktorang dpt tengok for d 1st time, buah Kundur... iyerr... ktorang sangat jakun waktu itu.. heheheh... tau org panggil Kundur je, tp x pnah tgk live. So aritu, kire selama 24 tahun ni, baru tu la nampak+pegang buah kundur... huehuehue... Ingatkan buah kelapa die cat kaler putih ke, *siyess beb,btol2 igt buah kelapa*, pastu Jun cakap tu ler buah Kundur... hehehhe... xper, belajar. Tambah pengetahuan kann ;) *ntah2, ramai jugak x tau ;P* Act, buah kundur ni selalunya org Cine2 pkai buat manisan dalam air, sebab bleh sejukkan badan. Ermm.. x pnah plak try. Nanti klu jumpe orang buat, nak try la jugak rase sedap ke x ;P

Dah abes posing kat umah Jun, ktorang pun berangkat la pulang ke Seremban. Sampai umah masing-masing, sumer tdo x hengat dunia... heheheh. Sekian. ;)
*seperti biase...more piccas, silalah bertandang ke Facebook saya yerr kawan2 ;)*


iskk...sape nye tangan la yg interframe nihh...

2-2 yg cute... heheheh

sesi mengambil gambar sebelum melantak...hehehe

inilah buah kundur yerr kawan2

mcm buah kelapa kann??? (ke x?..huhuh)